Id | 7862 |
Rank | 54 (Incredible Turfer) |
Takover time Block time Next is Holy Turfer
| 19.2 seconds 23.5 minutes 809657 points remaining, 888 days
Points | 8690343 |
Round PPH
| 63005 38 (0.63 per minute), 1.2 pph/z
Zones | 36909, 235.5 p/z |
| 1147, 3.1% of taken
Current | 33 |
World place | 550 |
Region | Kronoberg  |
Medals | 18 |
Neutralizer  Dark Ninja next is Darkest Ninja  Stamina next is Staminator  Revisitor  Order of Aquamen  Eager weasel next is Eager ferret  Orderly III  Trainer  Cakeday  Bridge lover next is Bridge fanatic  Crowdy-3 next is Crowdy-5  Unique-1000 next is Unique-2500 (1353 remaining) Assist-1000 next is Assist-2500  Daily-180 next is Daily-365  Roundpointer-100000 next is Roundpointer-250000 (186995 remaining) Greed-75 next is Greed-100 (67 remaining) Regions-20 next is Regions-30  Take-35000 next is Take-40000 (3091 remaining)
About Turf | TurfDB 0.5.53 (2025-01-08) |
Medals Ranks Turf Info