Id | 283027 |
Rank | 47 (Turf Lord) |
Takover time Block time Next is Turf Overlord
| 20.6 seconds 21.75 minutes 70425 points remaining, 196 days
Points | 3929575 |
Round PPH
| 41291 15 (0.25 per minute), 7.5 pph/z
Zones | 32333, 121.5 p/z |
| 929, 2.9% of taken
Current | 2 |
World place | 1004 |
Region | Uppsala  |
Medals | 18 |
Ghost minut  Orderly III  Neutralizer  Eager weasel next is Eager ferret  Bridge fanatic  Greed-40 next is Greed-50 (48 remaining) Order of Aquamen  Trainer  Unique-500 next is Unique-1000 (71 remaining) Regions-5 next is Regions-10  2 Bonanza participators  Crowdy-144 next is Crowdy-233  Daily-365  Staminator next is El Staminatore  Roundpointer-100000 next is Roundpointer-250000 (208709 remaining) Assist-750 next is Assist-1000  Take-30000 next is Take-35000 (2667 remaining)
About Turf | TurfDB 0.5.53 (2025-01-08) |
Medals Ranks Turf Info