Id | 223981 |
Rank | 48 (Turf Overlord) |
Takover time Block time Next is Turf Count
| 20.4 seconds 22 minutes 308057 points remaining, 273 days
Points | 4191943 (+815460) |
Round PPH
| 35755 (+31287), round 167 (2024-05) 47 (0.78 per minute), 5.2 pph/z
Zones | 24383 (+4743), 171.9 p/z |
Round Unique Daily
| 4767, 7.5 p/z 2666 (+401), 10.9% of taken 1 day (+4738 z)
Current | 9 |
World place | 1092 (+204) |
Region | Skåne  |
Medals | 17 |
Dark Ninja next is Darkest Ninja  Regions-10 next is Regions-20  Cakeday  Eager squirrel next is Eager beaver  Stamina next is Staminator  Assist-50 next is Assist-100  Neutralizer  Diverse-250 next is Diverse-500  Roundpointer-100000 next is Roundpointer-250000 (214245 remaining) Crowdy-3 next is Crowdy-5  Daily-60 next is Daily-90  Bridge fanatic  Take-20000 next is Take-25000 (617 remaining) Order of Aquamen  Monument-50 next is Monumental-100  Unique-2500 next is Unique-5000 (2334 remaining) Greed-75 next is Greed-100 (91 remaining)
About Turf | TurfDB 0.5.53 (2025-01-08) |
Medals Ranks Turf Info