Id | 120009 |
Rank | 58 (Turf God) |
Takover time Block time Next is Turf Titan
| 18.4 seconds 24.5 minutes 4208304 points remaining, 5314 days
Points | 20791696 |
Round PPH
| 74398 33 (0.55 per minute), 3.0 pph/z
Zones | 136646, 152.2 p/z |
| 2679, 2.0% of taken
Current | 11 |
World place | 441 |
Region | Västmanland  |
Medals | 38 |
Ghost minut  Dawn Ninja  Greed-100 next is Greed-150 (139 remaining) 7 Region medals  Dark Ninja next is Darkest Ninja  Neutralizer  Bridge fanatic  Orderly III  Staminatrix  Restless next is Insomnia  8 Eventors  Eager ferret  Order of Aquamen  Denmark explorer  Diverse-1000  Cakeday  Take-100000 next is Take-250000 (113354 remaining) Crowdy-13 next is Crowdy-21  Assist-5000 next is Assist-7500  Unique-2500 next is Unique-5000 (2321 remaining) Daily-365  Roundpointer-100000 next is Roundpointer-250000 (175602 remaining) Regions-30  Bonanza participator  Revisitor 
About Turf | TurfDB 0.5.53 (2025-01-08) |
Medals Ranks Turf Info