Home Salvation Untappd RateBeer BeerAdvocate

Producer:Avery Brewing Company
Beer:Belgian Strong Pale Ale (Belgian Strong Golden Ale)
Reviewer:Reibert Arbring

Apperance: The beer is clear amber, has an off-white small head with a little lacing and good curtains. (3.5)
Aroma: Smelling of sweet tropical fruits and bitter herbs. (4)
Taste: Starts with sweet toffee and caramel, then sweet and sour fruits like in a mango chutney, bitter orange peel and pine resin. (4)
Palate: Medium high carbonation, soft and thick texture, a slightly coarse dry finish. (3.5)
Overall: Well, I would say Belgian IPA here, the hops are dominant over the yeast and malt. (3)

Bottle, large 1 Pt 6 Fl Oz

rdb 0.8.0 (2023-10-14)