Home Maisel's Zwick'l BeerAdvocate

Producer:Brauerei Gebrüder Maisel GmbH
Beer:Keller Bier / Zwickel Bier (Kellerbier / Zwickelbier)
Reviewer:Reibert Arbring

Apperance: The beer is served in a clay jar so I can't verify the clarity, the color seems brown, an off-white head, that (3.5)
Aroma: leaves some lacing. (3)
Taste: The smell is moderate, malt notes, honey, fruits. (4)
Palate: Tasting upfront of briwn bread, barley, oranges, pears and some discrete bitterness. (3.5)
Overall: High carbonation, small foamy intense bubbles, a soft and refreshing texture, a moderate dryness. (3.5)

On-tap at Alier Bahnhof in FF Niederrad.

rdb 0.8.0 (2023-10-14)