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Producer:Brauerei Schlösser
Beer:Altbier (Altbier)
Reviewer:Reibert Arbring

Apperance: The brown is brown with a hint of orange, an off-white head leaving curtains, but little lacing. (3.5)
Aroma: The smell is malty sweet and sour milk, toffee, dark bread, old sour cream and Sunday pot roast. (4)
Taste: The taste has little sweetness, burnt toast and cereals from the malt going over in a sharp and distinct bitterness from the hops. Fresh pine nuts, bitter almond. (3.5)
Palate: Medium low carbonation, a bit watery but mostly a definitive dry long lasting feeling. (3.5)
Overall: A rather complex mixture of the spontaneous old odor and modern bittern feeling. Not bad, and probably very good to bratwürst und saurkraut. (3.5)


rdb 0.8.0 (2023-10-14)