Home Störtebeker Bernstein-Weizen Untappd RateBeer BeerAdvocate Systembolaget

Producer:Stralsunder Brauerei
Beer:Hefeweizen (Wheat Beer - Hefeweizen)
Reviewer:Reibert Arbring

Apperance: The beer is clear amber, medium sized bubbles, a high off-white head, no lacing, small curtains. (3.5)
Aroma: Sweet honey and apricots, spices and yeast. (3.5)
Taste: Starting sweet bread, apricots and peaches, some apple peel, cardamom. (3.5)
Palate: Little carbonation, soft and smooth, medium body. (3.5)
Overall: Smooth, easy and a good relaxing brew. (3.5)

Bottle 500 ml

rdb 0.8.0 (2023-10-14)