Home Spiced Rum Finish Untappd RateBeer BeerAdvocate

Producer:Innis & Gunn
Beer:English Strong Ale (Strong Ale - English)
Reviewer:Reibert Arbring

Apperance: A clear copper toned ale, an off-white head that settles quickly leaving little lacing but has good curtains. (4)
Aroma: Much wood nuances, fruitiness, cloud-berries and very ripe pears and sherry. (4)
Taste: Sweet brown bread, apricot jam, sweet licorice, oak, no bitterness. (3.5)
Palate: Little carbonation, slightly sticky but smooth, medium body. (3.5)
Overall: Not bad, but as always I feel slightly disappointed with I&G, the casks seems to flatten the beers too much. (3)

Bottle 330 ml

rdb 0.8.0 (2023-10-14)